Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I think some parents are confused or don't know what to do with the little books I assign for homework. These books help students build fluency, blending, and recognizing high frequency words. Have them read this book to you. Ask them questions about the book and the pictures. The words don't explain exactly what is happening in the pictures. The one I sent home to day "Sit" is about playing musical chairs in the classroom. Ask them which person is Sid, Sis, etc. This helps them make connections from text to illustrations and builds comprehension. 

Also, it is your child responsibility to bring home their AR book, folder, all homework, paper work, and fill in their color chart. I try my best to check all of their folders to be sure they have everything but I have 18 students in my class and it takes a lot of time to check everyone's folder. We put our binders together as a class. I call out the directions and tell them exactly where everything goes. Just remind your child to listen and follow my directions and if they need help to please ask. I wont know unless they ask.

SNACK- some students are either not bringing snack or eating it for lunch. If you pack your child snack please let them know what they are suppose to have for snack and not to eat it during lunch. I was supplying snack to those who did not have it but that is taking too much time that I could be spending on getting materials, students binders, and emails done. I also notice that when I was supplying snack some of the students that did have snack was saying they didnt just to get what I was passing out. Snack is also not mandatory so some days we may miss it; I will try not for this to happen but just in case it does I wanted you to know. 


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