Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Congratulations to Lexie Terry and Weston Garrett for reaching their goals in AR!!!! Amazing Job! Keep it up!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I have added links to the right side of my Blog. I will be adding more eventually but right now you can find the AR Home Connect, Sheppards Software, and Spelling City.

AR Home Connect allows you to look at your child's progress they are making in AR. All you need to login is their username and password. Most of the students know it but if they do not it can be found on their book mark.

Sheppards Software has several resources for language arts and reading!

Spelling City, you can find all of our spelling list and games to play with our spelling words.

Thursday Lunch

We eat lunch at 11:15. The parents that are coming to eat should be here around that time and can either meet us in the lunchroom or the classroom :)


We have had a few more reading stars!!! Emory Senn and Caroline Renfroe!! Awesome job, keep it up!

Thursday Lunch

On Thursday the only food that will be served is the Thanksgiving Meal.  If your child doesn't wish to order the meal, he/she will need to bring lunch

Patriot MarketPlace


Monday, November 17, 2014


Spelling Words: for, corn, fort, storm, thorn, more, store, chore, shore, score, are, they, you, turkey

High Frequency Words: yes, were, all, the, is, of, got, and, at

Spellings/Sounds: /y/ y_ , -le , long vowel a a a_e, 

Vocabulary: voyage, worship, season, Mayflower, Pilgrim, common house, maze, Plymouth

Comprehension Skills: predicting, visualizing, summarizing, compare and contrast, 

Language Arts: declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences

Math: Introducing place value-hundreds place, before and after numbers by 2s, a.m. and p.m., concept of one half.  Reviewing ruler, yardstick, measurements, time, months of the year, addition and subtraction families 1-8, place value, counting by odd and even numbers

Math and Spelling/Sentence Test on Friday


Picture orders are due Wednesday, November 26th. You can send them to school with your child or turn them into the office.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Operation Christmas Child

The school is participating in Operation Christmas Child. Each class needs to fill at least 2 shoe box size boxes to donate to a less fortunate child. Please send items to fill our boxes! I would love to have more than 2. The items are due on Tuesday, November 18th.

Donuts for Dad

Donuts for Dad is Friday, November 14th in the cafetorium at 7:15.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Congratulations to Isabella Helms and Joshua Garnier for reaching their goals in AR!!! Way to Read! Keep it up!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Playoff Game

The PIKE Patriots will be playing at Bessemer Academy tomorrow (November 7th) at 7:00 pm in the first round of the AISA AAA playoffs.  Tickets for this game are available in the school office . Adult tickets are $7.00 and student tickets are $5.00. All pre-sold tickets proceeds will stay at PLA so please purchase them at school rather than the gate!  If you don't plan on attending tomorrow night's game, you can follow the action live on Twitter by following @pikepatriots (www.twitter.com/pikepatriots

Thanks and  Go PIKE!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Decodable and AR Books

Parents, I find that some children are not putting their storybooks in their folders.  There is no excuse for this.  I remind them every day to get out their AR book and their storybook.  I watch them put these on their desks. I do not watch them put these in their folders.  I don't have time and it is their responsibility.  If your child comes home without these two important books, please note it on his/her homework.  The little storybooks review the new spellings that I introduce each day and are an important part of homework.  Also, the children cannot do AR reading at school if they don't bring this book.  Please be sure these books are packed in backpacks. Thank you so much for all you do to help the children with the learning process

Monday, November 3, 2014


Congratulations to Carter Nelson for reaching his goal in AR! Way to read, Carter!

High Frequency Word List

Here is a updated list of the High Frequency Words we will have learned by the end of this week. Have your child read these words out loud to you, if they struggle with any of these words and do not know them automatically put a star by it or write it down. Then have them practice the words they are having trouble with. These words are words they encounter every time they read. If they know these words they will be able to read better and more fluently!

a                                               he                              said
am                                            help                           see
and                                           her                             six
as                                             him                             that
ask                                            his                             the
at                                              I                                 then
big                                            if                                there
call                                           in                                this
can                                           is                                 to
did                                            it                                up
down                                        its                               was
for                                            jump                           went
get                                            little                            what
girl                                           look                             when
got                                            of                                 will
had                                            on                                with
has                                           out
have                                         red

Parent Newsletter Week of Nov. 3-7

Spelling Words: chimp, check, chicken, champ, chart, hatch, pitch, fetch, watch, snatch, why, down, of

High Frequency Words: little, when, with, went, will

Sounds/Spellings: /ar/ ar, /m/ __mb, /w/ w__, /er/ er, ir, ur

Vocabulary: owe, prove, complain, inspected

Comprehension Skills: Main Idea and Details, Making Connections, Visualizing, Predicting, Summarizing, Reality and Fantasy, Making Inferences 

Language Arts:  Review sentence structure, punctuation, typing in bold and italic,  nouns, pronouns, adjectives, helping verbs, action verbs, and possessive nouns
Introduce Declarative Sentences and writing process

Math: Introduction to the ruler (inches and foot), how to use a ruler and why we measure things, even and odd numbers, telling time, months of the year. We will also review all concepts learned: counting to 150, penny, nickel, and dime, combining cents, addition and subtraction families 1-7.

Math Test on Thursday
Reading and Spelling Test Friday

Graded Papers

I sent home all graded papers from the First Nine Weeks, keep these at home...do not return to school. I will be starting a new folder for the graded papers from this nine weeks and will be sending those home at the end of the nine weeks.

Graded papers from last week (math, spelling, and reading test will be going home tomorrow). Please sign these papers and send them back to school.
