Spelling Words: April, paper, able, staple, table, made, plane, skate, trade, game, they, want, went, Christmas
High Frequency Words: after, over, then, them
Sounds/Spellings: long o
o and
o_e; long u
u and
Vocabulary: sharp, bouquet, cartons, clatter
Language Arts: Introduce Imperative Sentences,
Review Exclamatory, Interrogative, and Declarative Sentences
Math: Reading thermometers, temperature, telling time to the half hour, concept of counting by 25s
Math Test Monday December 15th (I have planned to do a math lesson on Wednesday "Polar Express Day") if I am unable to get to the math lesson the test will be given on Tuesday, December 16th; I will update you with this information as the week progresses. The students are tested on previously learned concepts, all addition and subtraction families that we have learned so far (Families 1-8), and some of the concepts from this week.
Reading Test Tuesday, December 9th. These test are not test your child can study for. Practice letter sounds and high-frequency words!
Spelling Pre-Test Thursday, December 11th.
Spelling and Sentence Test Friday, December 12th
Please keep in mind that the test dates and concepts may change or get pushed back!
If you have any questions or concerns about anything found in the Newsletter please email me.
Have a wonderful week!