Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Accelerated Reader
Some people are confused about how the AR plan works. The plan I am using is a school wide plan. The students took the STAR test to determine their reading level, this level is range for example (1.1-2.3). We have our students start reading at their lowest determined level and then we work up to reading their highest level. The students will check out a book on their reading level, they will then take this book home, read it to you the parents (they must keep the book for at least one night, they are not allowed to take a test the same day they check a book out), once you have decided they are ready to take the test sign their AR folder; so I know they are able to take the test. I’ve had several students take their test today and they didn’t do so good so when you sign their folders please make sure they are ready. The ways you can check: make sure they know  the meanings of all the words in the text, ask questions to ensure that they are comprehending, and that they are reading it fluently (with ease). If you have any questions please email.

Miss Stinson

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