Booklets were sent home. Students are ask to fill out the booklets (which
has 11 places for names and addresses) and return to school by February 4th. For each booklet filled out, the school will
receive $5.50. The booklet will be put
in a drawing for a $100,000 playground, the student could win $10,000 and the
teacher could win $5,000 for the classroom.
Take a moment and fill out the booklets.
I have had only one booklet returned! Please fill these out. If everyone in the class returns them our class alone will raise $93.50 for the school.
Dr. Suess
Friday, January 30, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Graded Papers
Graded papers went home yesterday. Please sign and return them ASAP. If your child miss more than one day last week; their graded papers will go home when make-up test are completed and graded. I will have grades posted to Achieve by tomorrow night.
Friday Lunch
Friday we will be celebrating Jaylyn and Libby's birthdays with pizza and cupcakes! It will not be necessary to send lunch with your child unless they do not like pizza.
Children's Hospital Fundraiser
The Children's Hospital Fundraiser is saying the boy and girl who raises the most money will be crowned King and Queen. Our class took a vote and decided that we would select one boy and one girl to be the representatives for this fundraiser. They voted Carter Nelson and Amy Ramage. I have jars set up in the classroom labeled with their names. Any loose change or money you would like to donate please send, the girls will be collecting for Amy and the boys for Carter. This is for a great cause and it will help someone from our class be crowned King or Queen.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Newsletter Week of Jan. 26th-30th
Spelling Words: sheep, week, street, sneeze, meet, cent, meal, weak, near, hear, meat, sent, said, Sunday
High Frequency Words: saw, blue, and, one, away
Sounds/Spellings: Review Long vowel spelling sounds, /oo/ sound spelled oo, _ue u
Vocabulary: symbol, equator, left, celebrate
Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Visualize, Making Connections, Predicting, Cause and Effect, Main Idea and Details, Sequence of Events
Language Arts: Comparative Adjectives, Capitalization Rules (Proper Nouns, Special Words, Names of places, etc), Plural Nouns, Sentence structures
Math: Review: Addition family 9, counting, before and after numbers, thermometer, dozen, telling time, liquid measurements, ruler, between numbers, Half Dozen, between but not consecutive numbers, the quarter, finding one half of a number, centimeter, one fourth Introduce: dollar, half dollar, adding 3 numbers, combining quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, counting by threes
Reading Test: Wednesday, January 28th
Math Test: Friday, January 30th
Spelling Pre-Test: Thursday, January 29th
Spelling and Sentence Test: Friday, January 30th
Parents please make sure you are reviewing the Addition and Subtraction families with your child!!!
High Frequency Words: saw, blue, and, one, away
Sounds/Spellings: Review Long vowel spelling sounds, /oo/ sound spelled oo, _ue u
Vocabulary: symbol, equator, left, celebrate
Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Visualize, Making Connections, Predicting, Cause and Effect, Main Idea and Details, Sequence of Events
Language Arts: Comparative Adjectives, Capitalization Rules (Proper Nouns, Special Words, Names of places, etc), Plural Nouns, Sentence structures
Math: Review: Addition family 9, counting, before and after numbers, thermometer, dozen, telling time, liquid measurements, ruler, between numbers, Half Dozen, between but not consecutive numbers, the quarter, finding one half of a number, centimeter, one fourth Introduce: dollar, half dollar, adding 3 numbers, combining quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, counting by threes
Reading Test: Wednesday, January 28th
Math Test: Friday, January 30th
Spelling Pre-Test: Thursday, January 29th
Spelling and Sentence Test: Friday, January 30th
Parents please make sure you are reviewing the Addition and Subtraction families with your child!!!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Please help your child make sure they are not getting AR books that they have already tested on. The First Nine Weeks test were removed from their record because they were getting use to taking test but any test they took the Second Nine Weeks remains on their record/bookshelf. Several students this week have tried retaking test and the computer will not allow them to do so. This is wasting time they could be spending reading new books, taking tests, and getting points. I try my best to stay on top of it but I do have 17 student's books to keep up with. When your child brings home a AR book double check their "bookshelf" on Renaissance :)
Please help your child make sure they are not getting AR books that they have already tested on. The First Nine Weeks test were removed from their record because they were getting use to taking test but any test they took the Second Nine Weeks remains on their record/bookshelf. Several students this week have tried retaking test and the computer will not allow them to do so. This is wasting time they could be spending reading new books, taking tests, and getting points. I try my best to stay on top of it but I do have 17 student's books to keep up with. When your child brings home a AR book double check their "bookshelf" on Renaissance :)
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Parents we are learning about several things in math. One being how to count and add money. For extra practice with this skill have your child count change to you or someone in the family. The best way to master a skill is to practice!!
Also, be sure that your child is practicing their addition and subtraction families 1-9! Especially the 7-9 family. The oral math grade comes from them answering aloud addition and subtraction facts in a very short amount of time. The more they practice the better they will do on this portion of the test.
Also, be sure that your child is practicing their addition and subtraction families 1-9! Especially the 7-9 family. The oral math grade comes from them answering aloud addition and subtraction facts in a very short amount of time. The more they practice the better they will do on this portion of the test.
Math Test
The math test will be on Monday, January 26th. We have had several students out this week, 5 out today due to sicknesses, so I decided to move the test to Monday so the ones that have been out have a chance to catch up. The spelling and sentence test will still be given tomorrow.
Shoe Drive
Starting January 23rd the Excel Club will be having a shoe drive for Solefood Ministries to give shoes to children in need in other countries. We will be accepting new or slightly used shoes you’ve outgrown or don’t need. We will be collecting until Friday, Feb. 27th.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
We are discussing weather in science. We will be making rain gauges. Please send an empty clear plastic bottle with your child by Thursday. We will be making these on Friday.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Parent Newsletter Week of Jan.19th- 23rd
Spelling Words: old, cold, most, won't, over, hope, home, wore, spoke, alone, to, too, two, snowman
High Frequency Words: my, don't, sleep, too, came, me, right, their, no
Sounds/Spellings: Long Vowel i _igh _y _ie Long O oa_ _ow
Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Visualize, Making Connections, Predicting, Cause and Effect, Main Idea and Details, Sequence of Events
Language Arts: Comparative Adjectives, Capitalization Rules (Proper Nouns, Special Words, Names of places, etc), Plural Nouns
Math: Review: Addition family 9, counting, before and after numbers, thermometer, dozen, telling time, liquid measurements, ruler, between numbers, Half Dozen, between but not consecutive numbers, the quarter, finding one half of a number Introduce: centimeter, one fourth,
Reading Test: (Unit 5 Test) Thursday, January 22nd
Math Test: Friday, January, 23
Spelling Pre-Test: Thursday, January 22nd
Spelling and Sentence Test: Friday, January 23rd
High Frequency Words: my, don't, sleep, too, came, me, right, their, no
Sounds/Spellings: Long Vowel i _igh _y _ie Long O oa_ _ow
Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Visualize, Making Connections, Predicting, Cause and Effect, Main Idea and Details, Sequence of Events
Language Arts: Comparative Adjectives, Capitalization Rules (Proper Nouns, Special Words, Names of places, etc), Plural Nouns
Math: Review: Addition family 9, counting, before and after numbers, thermometer, dozen, telling time, liquid measurements, ruler, between numbers, Half Dozen, between but not consecutive numbers, the quarter, finding one half of a number Introduce: centimeter, one fourth,
Reading Test: (Unit 5 Test) Thursday, January 22nd
Math Test: Friday, January, 23
Spelling Pre-Test: Thursday, January 22nd
Spelling and Sentence Test: Friday, January 23rd
Thursday, January 15, 2015
100th Day Celebration
On Monday, January 26th, we will be celebrating 100 days in school, UNLESS, we have some bad weather days.
First Grade celebrates the 100th DAY OF SCHOOL with lots of different activities. One activity we ask the children to do is make a poster displaying 100 items. This is a project to be completed at home. The children can group their items in sets of 5, 10, 25, etc., or they can think of a design and use their items to outline and fill in the design. If you and your child have trouble coming up with ideas, you can go to Pinterest and find some really cute ideas.
These 100 day posters will be due on January 26th. The children may bring them before that date if they have them ready.
First Grade celebrates the 100th DAY OF SCHOOL with lots of different activities. One activity we ask the children to do is make a poster displaying 100 items. This is a project to be completed at home. The children can group their items in sets of 5, 10, 25, etc., or they can think of a design and use their items to outline and fill in the design. If you and your child have trouble coming up with ideas, you can go to Pinterest and find some really cute ideas.
These 100 day posters will be due on January 26th. The children may bring them before that date if they have them ready.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Treasure Chest
We are running low on items for the treasure chest! If you have any items you would like to donate to our Treasure Chest just send them with your child.
Thank you all for your support!
Thank you all for your support!
Testing Schedule
I just realized I scheduled too many test for Thursday! I am changing the Reading Test to Friday. Sorry for the mix-up.
Good Behavior Chain
For a whole group behavior plan I do a "Behavior Chain". When the whole class is bragged on or caught being really good I add a link or 2 to the chain. Our chain has hit the floor!! (WOW, such an awesome class!) I have promised the children that once our chain hit the floor we would have a party! We took a vote and decided on a Ice Cream party. The kids are super pumped! The ice cream party will be Friday at 2:00pm :) I am making order forms and Kellie Henderson has offered to get the Ice Cream from Milky Moo's (mmmmmm) and Brooke Terry is providing toppings!! Thank you ladies for helping make this a pretty awesome Ice Cream Party :)
Hubble Telescope
We discussed the Hubble Telescope today in class and the students LOVED it. I showed them the Hubble's website where they can view images from outer space, it is pretty cool stuff! I promised the kids I would post the site on my blog so that if they wanted they could view some of the awesome pictures at home. :) The link is below
This will take you directly to the Hubble's Photo Gallery but there is lots of cool things they can explore on this site.
This will take you directly to the Hubble's Photo Gallery but there is lots of cool things they can explore on this site.
AR Test
Since the children are comfortable taking AR test and know what to expect on them I will be taking one AR test for a grade each week. On Fridays I will look at their scores and chose their highest Test score from that week to record in the gradebook. This will be counted as a daily grade. This means every student needs to take at least one AR test a week but should take more. If you have any questions about this please contact me by email or we can set-up a conference.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Weekly Reminders (1/12-16)
Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Here are just a few reminders for this week!
- Second Nine Week Honors Program Monday @ 9am
- Can food drive! I have challenged the students to bring 10 cans a piece! The flyer sent home about the drive list items that we need most. The last day to bring cans is Jan. 16th.
- Graded Papers will go home on Monday, please sign and return.
- AR testing starts Monday. Please help your child remember to bring their AR book everyday.
- Don't forget next Monday (1/19) is a holiday!! :)
Please check my blog daily for updates, new information, and events!
Parent Newsletter Week of Jan 12th-16th
Spelling Words: I'll, kind, child, spider, behind, ride, bike, twice, time, prize, where, were, your, January
High Frequency Words: every, could, going, day, way
Sounds/Spellings: Long Vowel e _y _ie_ Long Vowel a ai_ _ay S /s/ cy
Vocabulary: weather, sparkle, sleet, thermometer, storing
Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Visualize, Making Connections, Predicting, Cause and Effect, Main Idea and Details
Language Arts: Comparative Adjectives, Capitalization Rules (Proper Nouns, Special Words, Names of places, etc)
Math: Review: Addition family 9, counting, before and after numbers, thermometer, dozen, telling time, liquid measurements, ruler, between numbers Introduce: Half Dozen, between but not consecutive numbers, the quarter, finding one half of a number
Reading Test: Thursday, January 15th
Math Test: Thursday, January 15th
Spelling Pre-Test: Thursday, January 15th
Spelling and Sentence Test: Friday, January 16th
High Frequency Words: every, could, going, day, way
Sounds/Spellings: Long Vowel e _y _ie_ Long Vowel a ai_ _ay S /s/ cy
Vocabulary: weather, sparkle, sleet, thermometer, storing
Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Visualize, Making Connections, Predicting, Cause and Effect, Main Idea and Details
Language Arts: Comparative Adjectives, Capitalization Rules (Proper Nouns, Special Words, Names of places, etc)
Math: Review: Addition family 9, counting, before and after numbers, thermometer, dozen, telling time, liquid measurements, ruler, between numbers Introduce: Half Dozen, between but not consecutive numbers, the quarter, finding one half of a number
Reading Test: Thursday, January 15th
Math Test: Thursday, January 15th
Spelling Pre-Test: Thursday, January 15th
Spelling and Sentence Test: Friday, January 16th
Friday, January 9, 2015
Graded Papers
Graded papers will go home on Monday! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.
Don't forget the 2nd Nine Weeks Honors Program is on Monday at 9am
Don't forget the 2nd Nine Weeks Honors Program is on Monday at 9am
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Accelerated Reading
I sent home new AR folders today. I listed their new ZPD and goal on the bottom of their AR logs. They will receive new bookmarks tomorrow and I will be sending home a note that shows what their ZPD was last nine weeks compared to this nine weeks. All of the students moved up in their ZPDs, YAY!!!!!!! The students will not be able to take an AR test until Monday, January 12th.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Deer Hunt
The deer hunt is scheduled for this weekend January 9th-10th. Mrs. Baggett will
be giving homework passes for one night to students bringing the $10.00 for
deer hunt.
The Can Food Drive starts this week! Please send can food items to school with your child. I will post about the deadline later on.
Parent Newsletter 1/5/15-1/9/15
Spelling Words: No Spelling this week!
Sounds/Spellings: Long e e e_e ee ea
Vocabulary: flashes, shelter, funnel, weather, sparkle
High Frequency Words: or, two, be, green, take, every
Comprehension Skills: Visualizing, asking questions, clarifying, making connections, and main idea and details, fact or opinion
Language Arts: Review Nouns, verbs, Adjectives, sentence types. Introduce Comparative Adjectives and Capitalizing Pronouns, special words, places, etc.
Math: Introduce Liquid Measurements (cup, pint, quart, gallon) and the nine addition family. Review all previously learn concepts.
Math Test is Friday, January 9th.
Reading Test is Thursday, January 8th.
Sounds/Spellings: Long e e e_e ee ea
Vocabulary: flashes, shelter, funnel, weather, sparkle
High Frequency Words: or, two, be, green, take, every
Comprehension Skills: Visualizing, asking questions, clarifying, making connections, and main idea and details, fact or opinion
Language Arts: Review Nouns, verbs, Adjectives, sentence types. Introduce Comparative Adjectives and Capitalizing Pronouns, special words, places, etc.
Math: Introduce Liquid Measurements (cup, pint, quart, gallon) and the nine addition family. Review all previously learn concepts.
Math Test is Friday, January 9th.
Reading Test is Thursday, January 8th.
Writing Workshop
This nine weeks and for the rest of the year we will be doing a Writing Workshop each day. I am asking for you to send a wide -ruled composition notebook with your child to keep here at school.This will be their Writing Journal! Please send this to school by Wednesday, January 7th.
Please encourage your child to write and reinforce the idea that writing is FUN!!! This will help improve their attitudes about writing and hopefully encourage them to write more! You can encourage good writing habits and attitudes about writing at home by letting them help you make the grocery or shopping list, having them write things at home, or by writing together! Remind them of the writing process and ask questions like who? what? when? where? why? how?
Welcome Back!!!
Welcome back to school. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year (cannot believe it is 2015!!)
We will not have a spelling test this week :) Spelling will start back next week.
AR will not begin until the children have been STAR tested again, which will be on Wednesday of this week. This will determine a new ZPD or range and a new goal for the children. They will be issued new AR logs and bookmarks with their reading range and goals on it. If you are checking AR books out at the library or downloading ones on a tablet please be sure the book is on the level I have assigned for your child. They will not be able to take tests on books that are out of their range or the specific level that I have assigned. The students will start off on the lowest end of their range and will move up the scale one level at a time and will only move up if they make a 100 and can take the test without any help.
When viewing or printing your child's report card if there is not a Handwriting Grade on there please let me know and I will ask Mr Mathew how to print them with the HW grade showing.
Honors Day Assembly has changed to Monday, January 12th at 9:00am. Please remember this is a normal school day and the children should not be checked out after the assembly.
We will not have a spelling test this week :) Spelling will start back next week.
AR will not begin until the children have been STAR tested again, which will be on Wednesday of this week. This will determine a new ZPD or range and a new goal for the children. They will be issued new AR logs and bookmarks with their reading range and goals on it. If you are checking AR books out at the library or downloading ones on a tablet please be sure the book is on the level I have assigned for your child. They will not be able to take tests on books that are out of their range or the specific level that I have assigned. The students will start off on the lowest end of their range and will move up the scale one level at a time and will only move up if they make a 100 and can take the test without any help.
When viewing or printing your child's report card if there is not a Handwriting Grade on there please let me know and I will ask Mr Mathew how to print them with the HW grade showing.
Honors Day Assembly has changed to Monday, January 12th at 9:00am. Please remember this is a normal school day and the children should not be checked out after the assembly.
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