Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Candy for Parade

If you would like to bring candy for your child to throw out at the parade you may do so :)

Homecoming Parade

The children who are able to be in the Homecoming Parade should be at school by 5:45 tomorrow wearing their pirate outfits. They will meet me at our wagon (it looks like a pirate ship) which will be on the drive back of the hospital.  See you then!

Early Dismissal

On Friday, November 7th, school will dismiss at 1:30 due to PLAS being in the state playoffs. Our team will be traveling to Bessemer at 1:00 that day. We will see them off and then dismiss. Hopefully, many of our Pike Patriots will be able to attend the playoff game and cheer them on to victory!!  GO PIKE!!


Administration has changed our grading policy for grades 1-3.
Tests/quizzes will count 60% of the grade in each subject, and daily work will count as 40% of the grade.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Party

If you haven't sent the items for the party please do so! This way I will know for sure what we have and don't have. If you are sending them that day just email me to let me know. Thanks


Spelling Words: ship, shell, fish, fresh, smash, path, this, with, math, thick, look, was, Halloween

High Frequency Words: for, get, that, this, out

Sounds/Spellings: /sh/     /th/        /ch/ /tch/       /or/ /ore/ 

Comprehension Skills: Main Idea and Details, Making Connections

Language Arts: sentence structure, punctuation, typing in bold and italic, review nouns, pronouns, adjectives, helping verbs, action verbs, and possessive nouns

Math: Introduction to the ruler (inches and foot), how to use a ruler and why we measure things, even and odd numbers, telling time, months of the year. We will also review all concepts learned: counting to 150, penny, nickel, and dime, combining cents, addition and subtraction families 1-7.

These concepts are subject to change. Due to all of the homecoming and Halloween activities we may not get to all these concepts. What we dont get to will carry over into next week. 

Hardee's to Host Spirit Day

PLAS will host a Spirit Day on Friday morning at Hardee's. PLAS will receive 20% of all pre-tax purchases made at Hardee's between 4am and 11pm. I will be sending home cards that you will have to give to Hardee's once you have ordered. These cards will let Hardee's know what purchases were made to support our school! Thanks

Homecoming Black-Out Pep Rally Info

The homecoming Pep Rally on Thursday night has an admission fee of $1. If a child is under school age, he/she will be admitted free of charge. The homecoming theme is Halloween, so some of what you see during the performance may be scary looking to some young children. (Ex. Spooky Music, loud noises, creepy masks) Young children may want to be accompanied by an adult.

AR Books

Please help your child remember to bring his or her AR book to school everyday. The first 20 minutes of each day is set aside for AR reading. Thanks, Miss Stinson

Unscramble Words

I forgot to attach the "unscramble words" to the homework last night, my apologies! I will send it home tonight :)

Have a wonderful day and homecoming week!! Go Pike!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Class Party List

Here is the list for volunteers for the class parties. We are short on some of the parties  the Halloween Party, we need someone to bring sweets and salty.  Email me or send a note with your child if you are interested in any of the open spots. Thanks

Class Party Volunteers
Halloween Party
Sweets: Kellie Henderson
Chips/dip: Kate Murray 
Drink Boxes: Laura Leigh Sikes
Plates/Napkins: Sandi Walters
Christmas Party
Sweets: Ashley Hasson
Chips/dip: Missy Ramage
Drink Boxes: Amanda Hardin
Plates/Napkins: Shannon Senn
Valentine’s Party:
Sweets: Robin Tompkins
Chips/dip: Candace Nelson
Drink Boxes: Sandi Walters
Plates/Napkins: Kathy Helms 
Easter Party:
Sweets: Aileen Gardiner
Chips/dip: Kate Murray 
Drink Boxes: Shannon Senn
Plates/Napkins: Kathy Helms

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I sent home the sign-up sheet for all parties for this year. I thought I had this taken care of at the beginning of the year but now realize I must have over looked it, my apologies. If you would sign-up for 1 or 2 parties. Once I have all the papers back from you I will post the list of who is bringing what to which party. Our first party is next Thursday, October 30th. :)

In the student's leave at home part of the binder you will find a sheet labeled "Oral Grades" this is where I will be getting the problems for the oral grade test. Practice all of the problems with your child. I will choose 6 random problems for your child to answer the day of the test.

Thank you all for your support and patience this month as we are extremely busy and overloaded with activities. You all know this is my first year teaching and I am still learning the ropes. I am blessed to have such supportive, wonderful, patient, and kind parents and to be part of this wonderful school! God couldn't have blessed me with a better school for my first year of teaching. Again, thank you for your support!

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


With all the activities going on I have been unable to get the newsletter typed up. I am listing below our spelling words, high frequency words, vocabulary words, the sounds/spellings, and any new concepts we are learning this week :)

Spelling Words: bread, head, read, dead, left, send, next, help, fell, red, what, said, autumn, ghost

High Frequency Words: get, that, this, for, out, jump

Vocabulary: simple, excuse, responsibility, honest, recycle, decorate

Sounds/Spellings: /sh/ sh, /th/ th, /ch/ ch and _tch, /or/ or and ore

Comprehension Skills: asking questions, visualizing, clarifying, making connections,

Language Arts: Action and helping verbs

Math: combining nickel and penny, counting to 150, before and after numbers by tens, counting by 5s, 10s, and 1s, subtraction family 7

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fundraisers and Misc Info

Please check your child's binder for information about fundraisers! We have one fundraiser that you sell items from a catalog and another for ordering BBQ sandwiches.

Also, there is a Pepi Food information card in the binder. Mrs. Joni has asked for you to feel this out. It is a short survey.

Thanks, Have an awesome afternoon!


Our class theme for Homecoming is PIRATES!  Ms. Hollis and I thought ideas for costumes would be easy for parents.  We will decorate our wagon to go along with the theme. On Thursday, the day of the Parade, the children will wear their Pirate outfits.  

Just a reminder that you can scroll down and find information about Homecoming and its activities.  You may have to click on OLDER POSTS.

AR Reading

We have started our second nine weeks in AR reading.  The children were STAR tested last Thursday and have a new zpd.  You will find their goals are lower because we are only spending 20 minutes each day doing AR reading. We were spending 30 minutes a day, and that made their goals higher.  I think most of the children will be able to go way beyond the goals I have set. Some may even double their goals.  Each child can easily take 2 tests a week.  Remember, that most of their books are only worth 0.5 pts. (1/2 pt) and that's if they make 100.  Reading 2 books a week and making 100 would give them 1 point a week.  A score of 80 gives them 0.4 pts., 60 gives them 0.3 pts.  Below 60 they do not get any points.  But also remember, that not only do the children have to reach their points. they also have to keep an 85% average of correct answers.  All of the children did not reach their goals this past 9 weeks. But this past 9 weeks didn't count on their record.  All the tests they took have been erased by Mrs. Hinson.  We used this first 9 weeks to give them practice in taking AR tests.  This 2nd nine weeks will count.  At the end of the year, the children who have made their goals each 9 weeks will be recognized and receive an award (if we do things like we did last year).  They will also have an AR party.  SO, with your help our class intends to reach our goals every nine weeks!

I am giving each child a new AR log with their new zpd and new goal.  I have reminded them that since Mrs. Hinson has erased all the tests they took the first 9 weeks, they may take any or all of those tests again.  You might go over the old logs and help them find books they enjoyed reading.  (PLEASE KEEP THESE OLD LOGS AT HOME.)  They can check these books out and take the tests again ...if the book is in their zpd range.  That is an easy way to start this 9 weeks.  We will start again at the lower end of the range and work our way to the upper end. Please help me monitor the book level your child checks out. Sometimes they slip past me with a book that is too easy or too hard.


Friday, October 17, 2014


Check student binders for Homecoming Shirt Order forms and the youth basketball registration form.

The parent newsletter for next week will be posted on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Red Ribbon Week!

Due to homecoming festivities the last week of October, we will hold our Red Ribbon Week at PLAS next week.  Each day's theme is listed below.

Monday, October 20 - I'm too Bright for Drugs! (wear neon or bright colored clothing)

Tuesday, October 21 - Red Ribbon Day (wear red...ribbons will also be provided)

Wednesday, October 22 - Sock it to Drugs! (wear red, crazy, or mismatched socks)

Thursday, October 23 - Happy, Happy, Happy to be Drug Free! (wear camouflage)

Friday, October 24 - "Team Up" Against Drugs! (show your Patriot Pride...wear a PLAS shirt)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Spelling Words

I am sending home the Spelling Word List today but the test will not be until next Friday. Extra practice is always good :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Decade Day October 28th

Decade day is Tuesday, October 28th and is one  of the dress up days during homecoming week. I have chosen for my class to do the 60s or the "hippie" decade. Everyone should dress according to this decade! It should be a fun and easy decade to dress for :)

Cheer Clinic

The varsity cheerleaders will host a cheer clinic this Saturday (October 18th), from 9:00-11:00. The clinic is for girls in K4-6th grade. The girls who attend will perform some of what they learned at the home football game against Ft. Dale on October 24th. The cost for the clinic is $20.00. Please see the office to turn your form in.

Honor's Day Program

This Friday, October 17th, we will have our First Nine Weeks Honors Assembly at 8:30 A.M.  Our school will be recognizing the students who made the A and A/B honor roll.  The children who reached their goals in AR will also be recognized, as well as the September and October  Students of the Month. This will take place in the cafetorium.  Parents are invited to attend this assembly.  Again, this will start precisely at 8:30, so parents should go directly to the cafetorium upon arrival.
I apologize for not having the details for the honors day program out sooner. I mentioned it on the October Calendar in the students binder but I am just now getting the details due to not being able to access my email or blog from home and from all the "busy-ness" (field trips, fall festival, homecoming, and holidays) over the last few weeks. Again I apologize for not getting this information out until now.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful  Fall Break and is ready for another amazing nine weeks! :)

Fall Festival

Thank you for you response to our call for help with the Fall Festival.  You will see that we have more than enough help for each half hour except the last.  I will help with this time slot.  

6:00-6:30 - Amanda Pyron, Kelly Henderson, Stephanie Rushing, Janet Jones

6:30-7:00 - Robin Thompkins, Jennifer and Robert Barner, Yonghua Zhao

7:00-7:30 - Aileen Gardiner, Bonnie Simmons, Kate Murray, Beth Steed, 
                     Sandi Walters

7:30-8:00 - Jennifer Deloney, Amy Garrett

Friday, October 10, 2014


Congratulations to Emory Senn and Will Hasson for reaching their AR Goals!! Way to read, keep it up!!!


Homecoming is Friday, October 31st. 

On Thursday there will be a parade at 6:00, a Bon Fire at 6:30, and a Glow-in-the-Dark Pep Rally at 7:00.  The parade theme is NIGHTMARE ON KERVIN DRIVE.

Monday - Tacky Tourist Day
Tuesday - Decade Day
Wednesday - Halloween Costume (No masks or props...children must be able to go to bathroom easily...must have tennis shoes for P.E.)
Thursday -  t-shirt day/class theme (more about this later)
Friday - Spirit Day - red, white, and blue

Friday, October 31st, is a half day.  There will be a pep rally at the football stadium at 11:15.  School will dismiss after the pep rally, about 11:45.  We will not have lunch at school that day, but we will eat snack.

Our Halloween party will be on Thursday, October 30th, at 2:00.  Food items can be sent on Thursday morning.  I will post, later, the names of those who are signed up to provide the treats for this party.  

Please check my blog regularly.  I will post updates as the information comes in.

Report Cards

Paper report cards will not be sent to parents.  You will view, print, sign, and return your child's report by accessing your Achieve account.  Achieve can be found at www.pikelib.com where you will click on the Achieve icon.  To do this you must have a password! If you do not have a password please e-mail Mr. Matthews at pikelibtech@gmail.com.  He will send you a password as soon as he can.  Grades should be ready for viewing sometime next week.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

We had a wonderful time on our Field Trip yesterday, The kids really seemed to enjoy it!

Just a few reminders:

Prizes for the Fall Festival are due tomorrow.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week is our Fall Break! YAY!!!! :)

I will be out tomorrow. If you email me I will not be able to respond until Friday. We have no test this week!

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Next week Schedule!

Good morning!

Since we will be out Monday and are going on a Field Trip Tuesday we will not have any test next week (math, reading, spelling, or dictation). I just don't see us having enough time to prepare for any of these test.
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Another Star!!

Congratulations to Isabella Helms for reaching her goal in AR!! Way to read, Izzy! Keep it up!

AR Star

Congratulations to Weston Garrett for reaching his goal in AR!!! Way to read, Weston!!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pike goes Pink!!

Varsity cheerleaders have now declared this Friday Pink out the Rebels as PIKE goes Pink! (Everyone wear pink to school and to the game). Thanks and Go PIKE!

Test Schedule change


Since we will be here on Friday I have rearranged our testing schedule allowing us more time to review skills for reading, math, and spelling. On Thursday we will have our spelling pre-test (if they score a 100 they will not have to retake it Friday), reading, and math test. Friday we will have our spelling and dictation or sentence test. 

Please review and help your child memorize subtraction and addition families 1-6. They need the most help on the 6 family!

Also, they need to study the spelling words and high frequency words. The sentences that I use for the dictation part of the test are comprised of this week spelling words, the past spelling words, and our high frequency. 

Some of the HF words that the students are having the most trouble with are:


I know everyone will do great!! 

Field Trip is rescheduled!

Good morning!

Me and Mrs. Hollis looked at the weather and it is a 90% chance of rain Friday :( So we have decided to reschedule the Field Trip for Tuesday, October 7th. I have already contacted Dream Land Farms. Sorry for the inconvenience but we felt like it was the best move. Don't forget Monday is a teacher in-service day, the students will not be coming to school. I will remind everyone on Friday what to have and the times we will be leaving for the Field Trip Tuesday! 
