Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Field Trip Info

The pumpkin patch trip is only 2 days away!!! Here are just a few things I want to make sure you know :) 
  • We will be taking our lunch. Please pack the lunch in a paper sack so we when finish eating we wont have to worry about keeping up with or putting away lunch boxes. 
  • If you are driving please bring a cooler or small ice box so the students can store there drinks.
  • We have several parents driving or meeting us there, to save gas think about car pooling with a fellow parent.
  • We will be wearing our PLAS field trip T-shirts. If you did not get one this year wear any PLAS shirt. 
  • We have to be on the farm at 9:30. Our departure time from school is going to be 8:45am. This should give us enough time to get the students stuff in the cars and get settled.
  • If your child has a special seat they need, send it with your child Friday and we will install them in the vehicle they will ride in. 
  • If you haven't already got a Adult/Parent Ticket don't forget to bring the money with you that day....its $5.
If there are any questions or concerns just shoot me an email! 

Thanks and we are going to have tons of fun!!!

Order Chocolate Bars!!!

Just a reminder to order your chocolate bars! I want everyone to at least sell 20. A few parents could get together and order a case to reach this goal! I would love for every student to be able to sell a case! The forms you fill out is a order form....the chocolate will be here soon and then you will be able to sell it. You do not have to pay when you turn the order form in. You can pay for the bars once you receive them and then start selling!! This fundraiser helps out the school tremendously and if our class sells the most we get $50 to go toward something in the classroom :)

Need your help!!

Hey guys! So I am getting ready to make games, set-up for a few projects, and working on center materials. I need a few items these things should be items probably laying around your house!

We need:

  • old magazines to clip pictures and words from. The first project I'm thinking is we are going to create animal habitat pictures so if you have any magazines with animal pictures please send those! We will be cutting pictures out of them so send the ones you don't want back :)
  • Index cards 
  • A couple of old cans with lids....like a coffee can.

I may need a few other items later on and will let you know. Thank you so much for your support! 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Another AR Star!!! Congratulations to Libby Thompkins for reaching her goal!!! Thanks for working so hard!

Chance to Cheer

Chances to cheer for one quarter at the October 3rd football game against Chambers are being sold for $1.00.

Fall Festival

October is almost here and that means Fall Festival.  First Grade will need 3 workers every half hour beginning at 6:00 and ending at 8:00.  If you are willing and can help, please send me a note telling me which half hour you would like to work.  Please list a first and second choice.  Also, we will need some prizes, things you might buy at the Dollar Tree or similar places.  THANKS!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Picture Day!

Happy Friday!!!!

Just a reminder that picture day is Monday!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

We have already received our  passes for the pumpkin patch. If you or your child did not get their money in on-time; it's ok! We can buy any extra passes at the gate. I am super excited about the pumpkin patch the kids are going to have so much FUN!!

Homework tonight

Hey!! We don't have much homework tonight. We took our Spelling pre-test today if your child did not make a 102 on it I sent it home with the ones they missed. They need to write these words 5 times. The test we take tomorrow will be for a grade. Also, our sentence or dictation test will be tomorrow.

They also need to read, discuss, and retell the story "Rag Bits"

I apologize for not having a homework sheet for tonight. The one I have prepared covered some things we did not get to in class.

Have a wonderful day!! :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

AR Goals, Book Fair, and tests

Happy Wednesday!!

AR goal: I sent letters home today with each students goal and the points they have as of today. The computer listed October 15th as the last day to reach the goal I now realize that this is during Fall Break. So actually day is October 10th. I apologize for the mistake.

Also, the last day for the book fair is tomorrow. The students created wish lists (some were mighty wishful :) ) I explained that it was just that a "wish" list but if you do decided to send more money for the book fair I will let them go sometime tomorrow.

Our spelling pre-test is tomorrow and the dictation test is Friday! Everyone has been doing wonderfully on these test. I see improvements every week which is the goal!

Hope  you all have a beautiful afternoon and enjoy this amazing fall weather!!

Congratulations to Carter Nelson for reaching is AR goal!!! YAY!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Grandparents Day!

Just a reminder that the program Friday is for Grandparents. We would love to have the parents come, too, but there is just not enough parking to accommodate such a crowd. HOWEVER, if your child will not have a grandparent attending on that day, please feel free to come. We want every child to have someone here for them that day.

The children should dress in their nice clothes for the program.  

The program begins at 10:00 in the cafetorium for k4-4th grades.  Afterwards, the grandparents will come to the room to get their gifts the children made, and to check out their grandchild.  Please let the grandparents know that I would like to take a picture of them with their grandchild. Sometime the grandparents and children get away before I can do this,

Monday, September 15, 2014


We are practicing our parts in the classroom and the children are doing well.  They just need to be encouraged to speak loudly and to put expression into their voices.    The program is on October 19th, at 10:00 in the cafetorium.  When all the classes have presented their special poem, song, etc., the grandparents are invited to come by the classroom and get their "special things" we have made for them  The children may leave with their grandparents and spend the rest of this special day with them with your permission.  (I will send a form for you to sign if your child has permission to leave with his/her grandparents.)    If you child does have permission to leave with a grandparent, that grandparent will be asked to sign your child out in the classroom.


Fall Festival will be on Thursday, October 23rd, from 6:00 to 8:00 in the cafetorium.  First Grade is responsible for the game PLINKO.  Mrs Hollis  and I will soon be asking you to sign up for a time to work.  Be on the look- out for a note to come home in the homework folder.  Prizes are also needed for the games, cakes for the cake walk, and baked goods for the country store.  First grade would appreciate it if you sent prizes for our game.

Parent Newsletter

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A few reminders!!!

1.  As a reminder, Muffins with Moms will be held tomorrow, Friday, September 12, at 7:15 am in the Cafetorium.  The cost is $5 per family.

2.  Grandparents' Day will be next Friday, September 19, for grades K-4 through 6.  The program for grades K-4 through 4 will begin at 10:00 am and the program for grades 5 and 6 will begin at 11:00 am.  The Book Fair will also be in the Library that day.

As always, thank you for supporting our school and your children.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Field Trip to Dream Land Farms

Hey there!!

We have are next field trip planned!! It's October 3rd, we are going to Dream Land Farms in the Union Springs area. We will be doing lots of fun things there. Some things include picking a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, going through the corn maze, and so much more!! I will be sending a letter home tomorrow with prices and details. I already have drivers, the parents that asked but did not get to drive for the ASF trip will be the parents.

They are:
Missy Ramage
Ashley Hasson
Al Renfroe
Kathy Helms
Amy Garrett

If you are unable to drive please let me know!

The awesome thing about this field trip is even if you do not get to drive you can still come!! The Farm is open to the public and you can meet us there, pay for the general admission ticket, and have fun with us!

Please look for the letter in your child's binder tomorrow. Thanks!

Websites for High Frequency Words and Sight words Practice

Here are some fun but educational sites that should help reinforce things we learning in class! The ones that are in bold focus on phonics, reading skills, HF and sight words)

"Into the Book" www.reading.ecb.org (For practicing reading strategies)

ABC YA www.abcya.com (sight words and reading skills)

Fun Brain www.funbrain,com (math and reading skill games)

Star Fall www.starfall.com (phonics skills)

storyline online  www.stroyline.net (stories read by movie stars)

Highlights for Kids www.highlightkids.com (reading and science website)

Suessville www.suessville.com (reading)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Just a few reminders!

Hello, hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far!

We will not be doing reading Monday or Tuesday. We have been  making some very specials things for our grandparents. While on the subject of grandparents day, PLEASE have your child practice their part of the poem every night. All the parts are very important and we want to be sure that we know them very well. I do not have a lot of extra class time to recite these. Tomorrow I will go over their parts with them and then Friday we are practicing on stage! So I really need your help with this!

We started spelling this week. We are doing activities and games in class to help prepare for the test but please reinforce the words at home. Along with the spelling test they will be tested on sentence structure (begins with capital, space in between words, and correct punctuation). 

I will be sending home a list of high frequency words tomorrow. Please practice these words with your child. These words are words they should know automatically without blending. I will also send a list of websites with super fun games that involve the sight words! It will be great way to reinforce what we learn at school!

Remember if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me. I provided everyone with my personal email and school email. If you have emailed me and have not heard back I apologize some time my emails do not come through!

Enjoy your Tuesday!!

Newsletter for Sept 8-12 (the date is wrong on the letter)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hello there!! Here a just a few reminders for this week!

I give the students 30 minutes each day to allow them to read their AR book and take test. This is from 8:00-8:30. Please help your child remember to bring their AR book to school every day (even if they are not ready for the test). During this time they will be able to read or reread their book for extra practice. Thanks for your help!

Also, turn in the field trip money ASAP so we can let ASF know exactly how many we have attending. Please turn in the grandparents day form by Friday!! Thanks again!!

News Letter Week of September 1-5

Here is the Parent Newsletter; the letter did not quite add to my blog like I thought it would. You should be able to zoom in and read it. If you would like a paper copy just let me know! Thanks

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Grandparents Day

The information I sent home about grandparents day please fill-out and return to school by this Friday; Sept. 2nd. If any information changes such as a grandparent that you listed not being able to make it or a grandparent that can make it just let me know. This is not a problem.

Thanks and have a wonderful daY! 
Good Afternoon and welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day!

To save paper I will be posting the newsletter on my blog from now on. If you would like a paper copy just let me know and it will not be a problem to get one made. 

I have all the drivers for the field trip if any spots become available I will let  you know. The drivers are: 

  • Kate Murray
  • Kellie Henderson
  • Robin Thompkins
  • Candace Nelson
  • Shannon Senn
The parents that emailed me first was the ones that were chosen. We will have atleast one more Field Trip and a  new set of drivers will be chosen. 

I am still figuring out the electronic grade book and as soon I can get the grades posted I will let you know. I have sent home all papers that I took for grades and those are the ones you have signed (Return to school).